My blog has moved

Well, after 148 posts and 1241 photos, I have reached the limit of my 3GB free blog space.  I can add another 3Gb for $20 pa, which is fine considering the amount I’ve had for free.  However, WordPress can be infuriating, especially with photos, and it doesn’t do video without an expensive upgrade, so time seemed ripe for a bit of a market survey.

To be honest, the only other big kid on the block is Google’s Blogger.  This offers ‘unlimited free space’.  Actually it isn’t because photos are stored on your Picassa web album account and this has a limit above which you pay.  However, I use Picassa extensively, it allows me to do video and it seemed to be worth a go.

So, dear reader, to see the next part of my published oddessey, please head to where day 19 is waiting for you.  I have managed to find a theme not dissimilar to this one.  Its not as nice, but it is customisable so I’ll try to pretty it up as time allows.

Let me know what you think.  If it doesn’t work out. I’ll give WordPress what they deserve and return here.  My previous posts won’t go away from this site.

~ by andyrawlins on July 28, 2011.

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